Tuesday, August 21, 2018

2003 Colorado Springs Harassment From And By My Ex...Always.

Totally forgot about 2003 in Colorado Springs until just now...first night there @ 02:00 w/Bluesy & I deeply asleep...Pounding at door awakened us. Standing at door I asked who is it? POLICE Was answer. My first thought was what the Truck had her mom done? I opened the door. Officer asked if we were from Okla. I said yes. He replied he received call from Okla. reporting our cabin as producing METH. He thanked us and left after smelling around.

C.S. And Me.

I wrote this almost one and one-half years ago. And C.S. wrote his part even longer ago LOL.

C. S. Lewis: To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything & your heart will be wrung & possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies & little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable."


I wrote this almost one and one-half years ago yet did not publish it until today.

"Once excuses are obliterated truth can be proliferated. Monday's two years seven months by God sober for me. Nothing's keeping you from joining me sober except you. Simply stop thinking and simply quit. Simply comes down to how actually happy are you being simply this miserably miserable? Or you're going to die simply miserably miserable. It is what it is."

Monday, January 30, 2017

Making A Contribution Towards Helping Me Stagger Sober On The PCT.

Please message me and I can give you a place to send a contribution towards helping me stagger sober on the Pacific Crest Trail.

If I Succeed I Succeed. If I Fail Then At Least I Tried.

My thoughts about the PCT have been pervasive for years now, and summer of 2013 is when they began again.  My college biology textbook mentioned the PCT; and also "that" book about walking 1600 miles of the PCT came out. My passions from my youth for walking the PCT came to the surface again; having first been born in the mid-1970's.
I was still drinking at this rebirth of my walking so I included plan's of carrying alcohol.  I laugh now thinking about my trying to plan my consumption of one litre of vodka every three days.
Water weighs 2.2 pounds a litre. I'll need to carry as much as seven or eight litre's of water through several sections of the PCT. Not only do I thank God for being sober; I also thank God I don't have to carry the extra weight of vodka.
Even when I subjected myself to resignation that I would not be walking this year again and put the trail out of mind, I still thought about being on-trail.
Then this past Saturday morning I thought, "How can I make walking the PCT right now and 29 March 2017 Happen?" I suddenly realized I can make it happen if I think short-term about my immediate financial future, and not exactly long-term.
A sixty-something maybe seventy year old friend of mine told me that if I can, do it.
If I succeed then I succeed.
If I fail then at least I tried.
It is what it is.
I just have to try and try.

Twenty Nine March It All Begins

Fifty-Eight days and my walk begins. My planned walking partner might not be walking with me after all. My gear is almost complete. My training is behind and regardless I will be beginning on time 29 March.

Friday, November 11, 2016